Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Mission impossible(: Mission impossible(: 

HEY EVERYONE...LONG TIME NO SEE!!!(: im gonna do mission impossible and revive my blog(:

Today in school A LOT of things happened!!! means long post!!!!

Firstly i went to school early cos i needed to finish physics filing...but then i was playin with the soccer ball, dribbling round class and all...IM ADDICTED TO SOCCER,O.O, then finally decided to do filing, then realissed some wkshts missin, i was lyk SHIT IM SO DEAD!!! in the end he give till tom...(physics teacher) 34/40 for practical test and 26/40 for theory...heys not bsd got 60/80(:(:(:...after dat was ENG, oh god...i did'nt do well lehs...lyk onie 19/36...super shit mann...i was quite sad luhz........then like durin recess it was borin as usual...then was geog...borin oso...ate jolyn skittles, concentrated here and there, apart from dat i did'nt reallly care...oh wait i just realised dis was contact time...go back to lit, i nvr concentrate much so yahs...all in all it was a borin day...sorry to jolyn and pearlyn, nvr buy u'll food cos i was out of cash...(: BB

# posted by My life @ 10:53 PM


Saturday, June 27, 2009

I kknow i know u'll must be thinkin...
WTH vinod, u nvr finish hw u bloggin, hahaz need a break u noe!!!!
Well the hols passed super fast like nothin and now school is startin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!D:
Y,Y cant stupid MOE extend our hols!!!!!
welll today i finally bought new soccer boots and gonna use them tom when my club play against tampines central CSC....were gonna thrash them!!! Well gotta go cos its

# posted by My life @ 8:52 AM


Thursday, June 11, 2009

5/9 reunion 5/9 reunion 

Quite a late post abt the 5/9 re-union...
IT WAS A BLAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously, to those who did'nt come u missed out a lot of fun:P

# posted by My life @ 10:26 PM


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

LOOOONG time no see(: LOOOONG time no see(: 

Hey everyone, sorry never post SOOOOOOO long, very busy. so anyways, had green scavenger race last Wednesday, tiring but super fun, my group was D 4th to finish:D....then on Thurs it was back to normal timetable, however, on Friday we had the school clean-up thingy and becos the girl class manager was absent, the guy one had to pick a replacement...and yours truly was chosen. I had to like assign my classmates to diff roles and then cos only some could be inside the class cleaning, some people were outside and they were like "let me clean now la" and i would say "wait a while more", but they wouldn't listen and make a lot of noise and that's y I'm telling u'll, I'm not fit to be a class manager!!! End of post one for today bb.
Countdown to 5/9 oh seven reunion:9hrs 3 min

# posted by My life @ 4:39 PM


Thursday, March 12, 2009

post post 

school rox lyk hell! today got no school cos today e-learning day
My results
D&T-B4(1 mark away from B3)
Art-B3(got scolding sia!!!!)

I very sad,,,i 30/40 in class. Tms cup we lost to 1/5 on penalties in semis. but still school rox!!!

# posted by My life @ 10:54 PM


Sunday, February 8, 2009

Tommorow Tommorow detention

sad... i miss st hildas, ya and lyk so fast got exam):... planning a party for all hildans, not confirmed yet leh.. will inform all hildans soon(:

(Tag me with ur link if u visit(:)


# posted by My life @ 3:13 AM


Friday, January 30, 2009

Post after a long time. Post after a long time. 

Hey evryone, a post as requested, went for camp, had fun, missing st hildas...and more. made a lot of friends, but not as great as 5/9 oh seven or 6/9 goin for tution now, will post later,bb


# posted by My life @ 10:45 PM


'bout the guy

his wants list

new soccer boots

tag board

ShoutMix chat widget

phlog board

[ insert your phlog here ]


< Chloe
< Ally
< 1/5 oh nine(our neighbouring class)
< Prudence
< 104


November 2008

December 2008

January 2009

February 2009

March 2009

June 2009

August 2009